Repair Shop Websites Webinar – Keep Your Bays Busy in Difficult Times with a Strong Market Strategy

May 14, 2020

Your state may be wide open. Your state may be mostly closed. No matter where you are or what your status is, our new reality is going to force you to think differently about how you get customers into your shop – or maybe just their vehicles.

You are going to have to be more strategic to succeed during a pandemic and a recession. What worked for you before is not likely to work for you now. But, by building a market strategy and then executing that plan well, you are going to give your shop the best opportunity to come through this time in a position of strength.

In this webinar you will get an in-depth look at a framework that you can use to build a winning market strategy, covering topics including :

  • The four key questions for building a market strategy
  • Developing a better understanding of your potential customers
  • Creating messaging that hits the target
  • The critical component for sustainable success

Click or tap on the webinar below to start watching!