Why Multiple Websites for One Business Lead to Failure Not Success

Should an auto repair shop have multiple websites?

There are plenty of reasons a business could end up with multiple websites.  Maybe a friend offered to build you one years ago, but it didn’t perform so you bought one from a professional.  Maybe your old provider never bothered to take your website down.  You might have even already had a website when another company called and convinced you to give them a try.

As a company that builds and manages websites for auto repair shops, it would be great if we could tell you that having multiple websites is the way to go – but it isn’t.  The businesses that show up higher in search results generally have only one website.  Companies with multiple sites may show up multiple times in Google – but it’s often on page five, where nobody clicks.

The reason is simple.  Google’s job isn’t to rank companies based on their online presence.  Google’s job is to pick the best individual websites on the web.  If you’ve got two or more websites, they’re competing with each other for attention, which hurts your shop.

Think of it this way – if you were in a competition to service the most number of cars in a single shop, would you build a second shop across the street?  If you did, neither of your shops would do well in the competition, because they would compete with each other.

Websites work the same way – Google is looking for the best result to deliver to web users.  If you have two sites, they compete with each other for this distinction. Each drags the other site down.

While two websites won’t help you search better, there are plenty of other things that will, such as reviews, a social media presence, or more content on your site.

To learn the techniques we use to help shops search their best online, call us at 866-665-1605 or email us at Team_RSW@RepairShopWebsites.com.