Five Pitfalls of Hiring Personal Friends to Build Websites

Many people have friends or relatives who can build websites that perform well.  However, we often hear from customers joining us that it didn’t work out as planned.  Click here for the pitfalls we hear about most often.

Three Ways Auto Repair Shops Can Retain High-Profit Customers

Improving profits often demands more than gaining new customers.  It also requires retaining your high-value customers, who trust your opinion and are willing to spend what it takes to keep their vehicle in great shape.  Here’s how to keep those customers coming back...

Five Key Performance Indicators That Demonstrate Shop Excellence

There are dozens of metrics a shop can track to ensure they’re operating efficiently and generating the earnings needed to support shop owners and staff. These five, however, are among the most commonly tracked indicators by successful repair shops. Click here to...

Five Tips For A Great New Employee Onboarding Process

With great technicians and service writers so hard to find, it’s more important than ever to make each hire a success.  Here’s how to improve your employee retention and increase the likelihood of a good technical and cultural fit.

Is Your Shop Providing Excellent Phone Service?

The first phone call with a customer is your best opportunity to gain a new customer – or to lose business! Click on the infographic below to learn five tips which will help your shop turn phone calls into vehicle repairs and service revenue.

Comparison: Buying Web Ads Versus Building a Great Website

If you’ve been running an automotive repair shop for more than a month or two, you’ve probably been approached about purchasing ads on Google; the salesperson may have called this Pay-Per-Click advertising, or Search Engine Marketing.  Does it make sense...

Five Things Automotive Repair Customers Will Pay More For

Customers are price sensitive if it’s the only way they have to compare shops.  Once they’ve grown to trust that a shop provides a better experience and peace of mind, they’ll happily pay more for service.  Click the image below to learn about five...

Turning Price Shoppers into Repeat Customers

If you manage a repair shop, you probably regularly get calls from customers that are price shopping. While it’s true that some of these customers will always search for the cheapest price, many of them are price shopping because they don’t know how else...