Google Changes Local Search – How it Impacts Auto Repair Shops

Google has recently adjusted their Search Engine Results Pages (SERPs) in a couple of ways that are likely to significantly impact auto repair shops. How will this affect your shop? If you get any business from the web, this change has the potential to greatly...

For Auto Repair Shops Facebook Is a Bad Substitute for a Website

We have heard auto repair shop owners tell us, “We don’t need a website, we are on Facebook.” If you have all the business you’ll ever need from current customers AND have gotten all of your customers to follow you on Facebook, then that statement might be true. But...

7 Website Updates Auto Repair Shops Should Make for 2022

December is always a great time to evaluate how you are utilizing your marketing tools and make changes that will set you up for success in the new year. If your 2021 has been like many auto repair shops, you haven’t had much of a chance to think about your website...

The 5 Most Important Online Review Factors

For many auto repair shops Google reviews serve as the modern-day word of mouth. Most repair shop owners acknowledge that point and realize that they need to get more reviews. But there is a difference between knowing something and knowing how to do it well. And that...

Setting New Employees Up for Success

As hard as it is to recruit technicians these days, you want to do everything you can to be sure they will have a long, successful tenure at your shop. Unfortunately, the early quit rate (within two years of starting) is painfully high for employers in almost all...

How to Get More Maintenance Work

We talk to a lot of auto repair shops across the country every day. One of the more common challenges that we have heard from shop owners in 2021 is that they would like to get more maintenance work. To provide our customers with strategies and tactics to help them...

Keeping Your Shop Running Smoothly in the Midst of Chaos

We recently surveyed our customers to ask them how busy they are compared to 2019: 60% said they are seeing more cars than in 2019 25% said about the same number of cars 15% said they are seeing fewer cars than 2019 When you consider the fact that many shops are down...

Looking Outside the Auto Repair Industry for New Hires

The pandemic has shrunk the workforce, and that’s bad news for the auto repair industry.  Jobless claims have dropped significantly since last April, but there are still seven million fewer people with jobs than before the pandemic. Many businesses are hoping that...

3 Things To Focus On When Developing Business Strategy

We’re halfway through the year, which is a great time to measure progress toward your shop’s annual goals.  This year might be an outlier, however; many business owners didn’t set annual goals for 2021 because it was too uncertain of a time to be putting together...