Keeping Your Customers Safe and Your Bays Full

In many parts of the country, winter is fast approaching.  While the coldest days in most states are December and January, November brings sub-freezing temperatures in dozens of US states. Freezing weather isn’t great for vehicles, of course.  If they aren’t properly...

How Auto Repair Shops Demonstrate Online Credibility

Why do people start businesses?  It seems like everyone has a different answer to the question.  Do most of them hate their bosses?  Do they want control of their own schedule?  Do they want to make more money? One recent study makes an interesting point. Successful...

Auto Repair Shops Are Breaking Old Marketing Habits

One of the definitions of traditional is habitually done.  Based on that, we may soon need to change the definition of traditional media. Traditional media was once just print media, but has more recently been defined as newspapers, radio and television – all of the...

Measuring Auto Repair Shop Business Health? Check These Three Ratios

Running a repair shop is time consuming.  After dealing with repairs, parts orders, customer questions, marketing, employee issues, and bills, there’s sometimes not enough time or mental energy left to dedicate to high-level business management.  But if you can’t...

What Makes Customer Programs So Profitable?

In our recent survey of independent auto shops, we asked what the most cost-effective tools were to bring existing customers into a shop.  The most popular tool wasn’t online search or social media (although they did place second and third, respectively).  It was...

It’s Not 2015 Anymore! Does Your Website Produce Leads?

Google frequently changes its requirements to rank highly in search results. If you haven’t managed your web presence in years, you’re probably not getting very much from it. Click here to learn about four things that have changed since 2015.  

Prepare Your Auto Repair Shop to Finish the Year Strong

It’s back-to-school season for kids across the country.  Parents have spent a small fortune on school supplies, and teachers are telling kids what they’ll need to understand by the end of the year in order to be successful.  Kids, meanwhile, are learning what they...

Why Multiple Websites for One Business Lead to Failure Not Success

Should an auto repair shop have multiple websites? There are plenty of reasons a business could end up with multiple websites.  Maybe a friend offered to build you one years ago, but it didn’t perform so you bought one from a professional.  Maybe your old provider...