The Difference Between a Website and a Web Presence

Back in 2005 when Repair Shop Websites was founded, your website was your business’s online presence.  It was an exciting time for the web – Google had just gone public, valued at $23 billion. Now consider this: Google’s current valuation is $734 billion. ...

Choosing to Be the Best Auto Repair Shop in Town

If you want to be the best auto repair shop in town, you need to be different from your competition in a way that really matters to customers. That’s not as easy as it sounds, but if you can pull it off, your business can be hugely successful. Check out this...

Repair Shop Websites’ Most Popular Blog Posts of 2018

From marketing to hiring to shop management, we covered plenty of topics in 2018.  Three of these topics, however, were far more popular than the rest.  Unsurprisingly, these three topics each have the potential to have a substantial impact on your auto repair shop in...

What Makes a Great Auto Repair Shop Employee?

A couple of weeks ago, we talked about the damage that a high-performing jerk can do to your auto repair shop.  It might seem like it’s impossible for your shop to survive without them, until you get rid of them.  Then everyone else’s performance improves, and you...

You Want the Job, But What’s Your Body Language Saying?

There are so many factors that go into selling auto repair services.  We’ve covered the importance of phone-based service, building long-term trust, and dealing with sales objections.  But there’s more to communication than what you’re saying – more than half of...

Why Google AdWords Don’t Work for Auto Repair Shops

If you’ve been disappointed by your results from expensive Google Ads, you’re not alone. In fact, they’re a bad investment for most auto repair shops. View the “Why Google Ads Don’t Work for Auto Repair Shops” infographic below for more information....

Don’t Keep the High-Performing Jerk

If you watched more than a handful of cartoons as a kid, you remember all of the evil geniuses.  Their names were different in each show, but they were always trying to rule the world, and the heroes always stopped them.  Did you ever wonder if the heroes could make...

Why Buying Fake Reviews Is a Really Bad Idea

Have you ever seen a repair shop that had a terrible online rating, and suddenly had a great one?  It’s hard to turn a terrible rating around in a few days – you have to have five reviews before Google will show your star rating, so if a repair shop has a two star...

Building a Shop, Leaving a Legacy

Whether you built your auto repair shop from the ground up yourself, or you took it over from a previous generation, you want to leave a thriving business behind for your employees, customers and community. Click here for more on how to do that before you...