Thinking Like Your Customer

Have you ever gone into a store and been shocked at how disconnected from reality the people working there were?  If you ask the server at a pizza restaurant whether they sell by the slice, or you ask an employee at the grocery store where to find cleaning supplies,...

How Lyft and Uber Might Change the Future for Auto Repair Shops

For many people who live in cities across the United States, Uber and Lyft have changed the way they move around.  Compared to taxis, they arrive more quickly, are cheaper, are easier to call, and the drivers are individually rated and often friendlier.  All of this...

Clear Choices Lead to Fast Decisions – and More Sales

People today face the highest levels of information overload in history. If you provide them with more (or less) than the information they need to make a decision, they’ll decide to do nothing instead. Click here to learn how to avoid that.  

The Difference Between a Vendor and a Partner

In the business world, everyone wants you to think of them as a partner, not a vendor.  Companies use the word as a marketing tool, as if calling themselves a ‘partner’ will make you willing to pay more for their services. In reality, there aren’t many companies out...

Three Ways to Avoid Devaluing Your Auto Repair Service

Most customers don’t know a “good price” for vehicle repair and maintenance. However, they are looking at signals you are sending through your marketing to determine whether to push back against the price that you quote them. Click here for three ways to maintain your...

The Three Jobs of an Auto Repair Shop Owner

Every business owner has parts of their job that they love, and parts that they don’t like at all.  That’s especially true for small business owners, who find themselves doing a little bit of everything.  Maybe you love repairing vehicles, but hate showing the value...

Location, Location, Location

For many businesses, location is key.  A great location might cost extra money, but you’ll earn far more because people will see your auto repair shop and it will be more convenient for them to drop their vehicle off for service. When it comes to earning business...

Earn More Money with Great Auto Repair Shop Photos

Most auto repair shop owners put plenty of work into their shop.  They work to build efficient workspaces, to keep their customers comfortable, and to keep their employees happy.  That work can pay dividends once customers see it for themselves, but unfortunately many...