How Your Auto Repair Shop Can Thrive During Tough Times

The economy is still strong, but it won’t stay that way forever; some experts are predicting a downturn in as little as a year. Click here to learn how to come out of a rough patch in the economy better off than ever.  

What Is the Big Picture Goal of Your Auto Repair Shop?

Some repair shop owners start out with big goals.  For many, however, the goal of owning a shop instead of working at someone else’s isn’t a world-changing one.  Some owners don’t enjoy working for someone else or think they could do a better job themselves.  Other...

Ride Sharing: an Auto Repair Business Opportunity?

Ride-sharing companies have finally hit the peak of the business world, with both Uber and Lyft becoming publicly-traded companies this year.  Granted, that process wasn’t a smooth one for them.  Nonetheless, there are literally millions of people who drive for Uber...

Boosting Customer Confidence

When customers see (or hear) something that causes them to doubt the quality of your work, they are less likely to be satisfied with that work – even if it was exceptional. Click here to learn how to maintain the appearance of an experienced, high-caliber...

Making an Honest Profit from New Equipment

New equipment can open up new opportunities for business.  It can make repairs easier or less frustrating.  Also, it’s just fun to have nice, new equipment in the shop. Unfortunately, new equipment can also be a giant waste of money.  If you financed some portion of...

The One Thing that Generates the Most Profit

It’s expensive to gain a customer.  That’s because other shops want those customers, too.  In fact, big shops and franchises spend tons of money advertising to get new customers – sending coupons or mailers to their houses, buying Google ads, and in some cases...

Three Ways to Earn New Business Quickly

Searching well on Google is one of the most cost-effective ways for auto repair shops to earn business, but it doesn’t happen overnight. Click here for three ways to earn business while you’re waiting for your new website to “take hold” and generate results....

How to Lose Your Auto Repair Business in One Transaction

A man you’ve never met rides up in a nice truck, and explains he’s a new fleet operator getting ready to set up in town.  He’s looking for a dependable auto repair shop to provide service for his fleet vehicles, and he’s heard good things about your shop.  After a...

Five Steps to Becoming Known For Auto Repair In Your Community

When you open a new shop, it can take years for locals to think of you when they hear the words “auto repair.” But there are steps you can take to increase your visibility and memorability, which will speed this process up considerably. Click here for five...